Baby cues videos

Video Series: Learn the Secret Language of Your Baby’s Cues

Cues are the way babies communicate with grown-ups before they learn to talk. Understand your baby’s cues in these short videos

 Baby – Article by mum+

Baby cues: an introduction

Viewing time: 1m 56s

What you will learn in this video:

  • Babies use non-verbal language, known as ‘cues’ to let us know what they need
  • Watch your baby closely and you’ll see they do certain things when hungry or tired.
  • Responding to your baby ’s cues whenever you see them, quickly and lovingly, is best for baby and makes them feel secure
  • It’s normal for a baby to cry and it’s estimated a baby will cry for 3 hours a day as a minimum!
  • It might seem like baby is crying for no reason. It may be colic but know that 90% of crying is non-medical
  • Each baby will develop their own cues and don’t put pressure on yourself if you don’t understand your baby cues

Baby cues: “I’m hungry!”

Viewing time: 2m 09s

What you will learn in this video:

  • Newborns need to feed every 2/3 hours
  • If she starts to fuss, she may want feeding
  • Some signs showing she is ready for a feed may be opening her mouth wide and making sucking noises
  • The video shows some of these cues in action

Baby cues: “I’m tired!”

Viewing time: 4m 41s

What you will learn in this video:

  • Newborns may feed then go to straight to sleep
  • But as they get older and stay awake longer,  it may be harder to tell when it’s nap time
  • Sleeping is a skill that a baby needs to learn
  • Possible cues may be jerky movement, an aching back, staring into the distance, yawning, fussing, whining, clenched fists, frowning, grizzling and losing interest in people and toys
  • The video shows some of these cues in action

Baby cues: “I want to play!”

Viewing time: 2m 24s

What you will learn in this video:

  • During the first few weeks of life, newborns generally just feed and sleep, feed and sleep
  • But as they grow, a baby will want to interact more
  • A baby may want to play if they have bright and wide eyes, they are studying your face, making eye contact, smiling, reaching out, cooing
  • The video shows some of these cues in action

Baby cues: “I need a break!”

Viewing time: 1m 12s

What you will learn in this video:

  • As babies grow, they won’t always want a nap but may want a change of activity
  • When baby needs a break she may look away, squirming, kicking, or turn her head away
  • The video shows some of these cues in action

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