How to tell if your child is eating enough

Video: How to Tell If Your Toddler Is Eating Enough

Toddler’s often refuse food and you may worry if they are eating enough. This short video will put your mind at rest

2 min read

Toddler Toddler – Article by 

Video: How to Tell If Your Toddler Is Eating Enough

Viewing time: 1m 06s

What you will learn: 

  • If you are concerned about your toddler’s food intake, look at what they are eating over a two week period, rather than their individual meals
  • You’ll likely find it evens out
  • Accept that toddlers WILL refuse to eat from time to time, but their bodies are clever and they will make up for it.
  • There’s a wide range of what is considered a ’normal weight – if your child is within this range somewhere, then it’s highly likely they are getting enough nutrients.


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