Toddler Sleep timeline

Animation: Toddler Sleep Timeline

Your toddler’s sleep patterns will change between 1 and 3 years old. Learn what to expect in this short animation

2 min read

 Toddler –   Article by 

Toddler Sleep Timeline

Viewing time: 1m 44s

What you will learn: 

  • How much sleep your toddler needs from first to third birthday
  • How this is split between day and night
  • How their napping patterns may change
  • When your toddler could be ready for a move to a big bed, and…
  • …other sleep milestones along the way

Learn more about your toddler’s sleep

Did you know that at least half of all under 5’s wake in the night and call out for a parent? Let our experts provide guidance on all of your wonderings regarding your toddler’s sleep.

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